Glossary “thermostatic switch” Definition:
Term used for thermostat.
What is thermostatic
thermostatic vacuum switch (TVS)
Glossary “thermostatic vacuum switch (TVS)” Definition:
Valve that controls the passage of vacuum according to temperature, blocking vacuum until a certain coolant temperature is reached, at which point it opens.
thermostatic vacuum valve (TVV)
Glossary “thermostatic vacuum valve (TVV)” Definition:
Valve that is operational with a vacuum signal that is proportional to an applied temperature.
thermostatic gauge
Glossary “thermostatic gauge” Definition:
Type of gauge used to indicate fuel, engine oil, transmission and engine coolant temperature.
thermostatic clutch control
Glossary “thermostatic clutch control” Definition:
Method of temperature control using a thermostat to cycle a clutch on and off.
thermostatic de-icing switch
Glossary “thermostatic de-icing switch” Definition:
Thermostat that prevents the evaporator from icing up due to low temperature conditions.
thermostatic air cleaner
Glossary “thermostatic air cleaner” Definition:
Engine air cleaner assembly that controls the temperature of the intake air by blending relatively cool underhood or outside air with relatively hot air picked up from a shroud over the exhaust manifold.