Glossary “UV light” Definition:
That portion of the light spectrum beyond violet.
Glossary “UVW” Definition:
Unloaded Vehicle Weight. The weight of a vehicle as built at the factory with full fuel, engine oil and coolants. It does not include cargo, fresh water, LP gas, occupants, or dealer installed accessories.
Glossary “UTQG” Definition:
Uniform Tire Quality Grading. Information required by the DOT to be molded into the sidewall of each tire to provide information relating to tread wear, traction, and temperature ratings.
Glossary “U-tube” Definition:
Term used for manomometer.
Glossary “UV” Definition:
utility knife
Glossary “utility knife” Definition:
Hand tool with a retractable blade, used for cutting and trimming.
Glossary “username” Definition:
Name used to gain access to a computer system
utility body
Glossary “utility body” Definition:
Cargo bed of a pickup or truck that includes compartmental storage for parts and tools.
used car value sources
Glossary “used car value sources” Definition:
A used car price guide.
user friendly
Glossary “user friendly” Definition:
A computer, computer program, or equipment that is easy to use by an inexperienced person.
Glossary “USB” Definition:
Universal Serial Bus: a new external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of 12 Mbps (12 million bits per second )
USC measurements
Glossary “USC measurements” Definition:
1). Term used for United States Customary System. 2). Standard English system of measurement.
Glossary “USCS” Definition:
An acronym for United States Customary System.
used car price guide
Glossary “used car price guide” Definition:
Either of several periodically published sources, generally available at libraries, for the used-car buyer or seller to determine the retail and wholesale value of a vehicle in the regional marketplace.
Glossary “USAC” Definition:
United States Auto Club.
Glossary “URL” Definition:
Uniform Resource Locator; the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.
Glossary “US” Definition:
Acronym for undersize.
Glossary “U.S.” Definition:
An acronym for United States.
Glossary “USA” Definition:
United States of America.
upstream blower
Glossary “upstream blower” Definition:
Blower arranged in the duct system so as to push air through the heater and/or A/C core(s).