Glossary “MY” Definition:
Model Year
mutual induction
Glossary “mutual induction” Definition:
The generation of an electric current due to a changing magnetic field of an adjacent coil.
Glossary “mV” Definition:
Glossary “MVS” Definition:
Metering Valve System
Glossary “MVZ” Definition:
Manifold Vacuum Zone
mushy shift
Glossary “mushy shift” Definition:
Engine speed increases briefly (flares) during a shift until the clutch pack or servo piston finally seals and pressure builds up.
Glossary “Mustang” Definition:
Motor Under Stain, Transmission Almost No Good
multistage topcoat system
Glossary “multistage topcoat system” Definition:
Any basecoat/clearcoat/topcoat system or any three-stage topcoat system manufactured as a system and used as specified by the manufacturer.
Multistrike Ignition
Glossary “Multistrike Ignition” Definition:
Ignition idle strategy where the spark plugs are fired multiple times per TDC event to insure idle ignition and reduce emissions..
mushroom lifter
Glossary “mushroom lifter” Definition:
Valve lifter or tappet with a foot or base larger in diameter than its body.
mushroomed valve tip
Glossary “mushroomed valve tip” Definition:
Description of the shape of the tip of a valve stem that results from the repeated impacts due to excessive clearance.
multistage finishes
Glossary “multistage finishes” Definition:
Type of glamour finish.
multiple viscosity
Glossary “multiple viscosity” Definition:
Lubricant with a rating for cold and hot viscosity. Also called multi-viscosity.
Glossary “multiplex” Definition:
1). The ability to transmit two or more signals over a single channel simultaneously. 2). The ability to select one of a multiple of input signals to appear at an output during a particular time period.
Glossary “multiplexing” Definition:
Means of transmitting information between computers.
multiple pull
Glossary “multiple pull” Definition:
Making a pull in more than on direction, or from more than one direction, at the same time.
multiple pull method
Glossary “multiple pull method” Definition:
A method used on major body damage, it involves several pulling directions, and steps are needed.
multiple disc clutch
Glossary “multiple disc clutch” Definition:
1). Clutch that consists of alternating friction and steel discs that are forced together hydraulically to lock one transmission part to another. 2). Clutch having a large drum-shaped housing that can be a separate casting or a part of the transmission housing.
multiple drive shaft
Glossary “multiple drive shaft” Definition:
Drive shaft which contains 2 or more shaft sections and 3 or more universal or connecting joints.
multiple leaf spring
Glossary “multiple leaf spring” Definition:
Leaf springs having a series of flat, steel leaves of varying lengths clamped together with a center bolt extending through them to maintain their position.