Glossary “RVR” Definition:
Response Vacuum Reducer
Glossary “RWAL” Definition:
Rear Wheel Anti-Lock. A two-wheel ABS used on the rear wheels of GM and Daimler Chrysler light-duty pickup trucks and some SUVs. System is built by Kelsy-Hays.
Glossary “RWD” Definition:
Rear Wheel Drive.
Rzeppa joint
Glossary “Rzeppa joint” Definition:
A constant-velocity universal joint.
Glossary “RVB” Definition:
Rear Vacuum Brake
Glossary “RVP” Definition:
Reid Vapor Pressure.
RV Diesel Puller
Glossary “RV Diesel Puller” Definition:
Term for front engine diesel motorhome.
RV Diesel Pusher
Glossary “RV Diesel Pusher” Definition:
Term for rear engine diesel motorhome
RV Dinghy
Glossary “RV Dinghy” Definition:
Term for “towed vehicle”, also known as “toad”.
RV Gas Pusher
Glossary “RV Gas Pusher” Definition:
Slang for rear gasoline engine mounted chassis on motorhome.
Glossary “RV” Definition:
Recreational Vehicle.
RV Class A
Glossary “RV Class A” Definition:
Class of motorhome referring to motorhome (box) built on chassis frame up.
RV Class B
Glossary “RV Class B” Definition:
Class of motorhome referring to conversion vans.
RV Class C
Glossary “RV Class C” Definition:
Class of motorhome referring to RV built using van-type chassis and cab.
rust inhibitor
Glossary “rust inhibitor” Definition:
Chemical added to the coolant in a radiator to reduce the build-up of rust.
Glossary “RUNTIME” Definition:
Run Time on Alternative Fuel
Glossary “RUNTM” Definition:
Run Time Displayed in seconds.
Glossary “rust” Definition:
Metal oxidation caused by moisture and oxygen.
rust converter
Glossary “rust converter” Definition:
A liquid that can be painted over that is sprayed on pare metal to eliminate light rust and prevent other rust from forming.
Glossary “run-on” Definition:
A term used for dieseling or running on.