What is dual

dual reduction axle

Glossary “dual reduction axle” Definition:
Drive axle construction with two sets of drive pinions, either of which can be used. Capable of producing two reduction speeds. Also called a two speed axle.

dual point system

Glossary “dual point system” Definition:
1). Ignition system with two sets of points in the distributor. 2). A system that controls spark timing by electro-mechanical selection of separate advance and retard points.

dual master cylinder

Glossary “dual master cylinder” Definition:
A master cylinder, associated with a dual-brake system, having two sections for displacing fluid under pressure; generally one section for front brakes and one section for rear brakes or, in some applications, one for left brakes and the other for right brakes.

dual fuel engine

Glossary “dual fuel engine” Definition:
1). Engine designed to run on two separate fuels, such as gasoline or propane. 2). Engine designed to run on two fuels simultaneously, such as gasoline, alcohol, or a combination of the two.

dual diaphragm advance

Glossary “dual diaphragm advance” Definition:
Vacuum advance mechanism with two diaphragms; one for normal ignition timing and the other to retard the spark during idling and part-throttle operation.